School History
Rosyth School started in 1956. It was situated at Rosyth Road from which it derived its name. The majority of pupils then were from the neighbouring kampungs. In early 1983, the school was identified as one of the four primary schools to host the Gifted Education Programme.
At the end of that year, the school moved to Parry Avenue.
The school had eight Principals.
1) Mr Chee Seng Kee (1956 - 1959)
2) Mrs Bertha Neo (1959 - 1978),
3) Miss Ada Ponnappa (1978 - 1990)
4) Mr Foo Chee Meng (1990 - 1997)
5) Mr Fong Whay Chong (1997 - 2000)
6) Miss Elizabeth Chan Boey Koon (2001 - 2005)
7) Mrs Celine Ng (2005 - 2015)
8) Mdm Elis Tan (2015 - 2022)
With effect from 15 December 2022, Mr Suraj Nair took over principalship.
In 2001, the school was relocated to Serangoon North Ave 4 to accomodate the increasing student population. There are currently almost 1900 students.
Please click on the following link to view the school’s e-history microsite, which was created as part of the the school’s 60th anniversary celebrations.
Click here to visit the microsite
Click on the following link to visit Rosyth Heritage Gallery.
Click here to visit the heritage gallery

By Mr Loh Khee Yew (Creator of the School Crest)
The original version of the badge was an etched metal, measuring W2cm xL2.5cm x D1mm. The elements comprise a candle, stripes, white and blue colours and the school motto ‘Ready to Serve’. When I was asked to design the Rosyth school badge, the first icon that came into my mind was the candle. Chinese scholars and clergymen of medieval times depended on the candlelight for the long hours of learned reading and writing, as electricity was not invented then.
Knowledge has long been documented in the form of pictograms, symbols and written words. Whilst the mode of reading may differ from one ethnic culture to another, The horizontal line formation has been the general accepted norm. The stripes represent the written page. The shield format is associated with one arming himself/herself with knowledge.
The motto aims to inculcate amongst the students a sense of civic consciousness and be ‘Ready to Serve’ the country, community and family whom he/she belongs.
(Loh Khee Yew was a pioneer staff member 1956 – 1963)
The boys and girls of Rosyth School
We march in thousands strong
We love our work, we love our play
We all know right from wrong
The will to serve our Singapore
Grows stronger day by day
We take a stand the growing band
And fight the glorious way
For Rosyth School, our Rosyth School
To serve we will endeavour
A leading light and shining bright
Rosyth School forever
In times of stress and strain we find
The joy of strong endeavour
In spite of setbacks in our work
We strive along together
Our teamwork is a source of strength
And ruggedness another
To meet the challenge of the day
For Rosyth School forever